VÁLASSZ országot / régiót

Author headshot ansell
Ansell Ltd. május 15, 2020


Even a country like Belgium, with one of the most advanced health systems in the world, experienced a lack of critical personal protective equipment during the recent outbreak of COVID-19. The country has had one of the highest per-capita rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases and related deaths in Europe, and is among the hardest hit by the pandemic, coming close behind Italy and Spain.

The Ansell Brussels office therefore recently rallied to help by donating nearly 800,000 gloves and masks to 3 of Belgium's leading hospitals: Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent (Ghent University Hospital); Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (University Hospital Brussels); and Chirec Hospital Group.

Many Ansell employees and their families live in the areas of Brussels served by UZ Gent, UZ Brussels, and Chirec, so the safety concerns being faced by healthcare workers at the facilities hit close to home. “We are extremely grateful to the frontline healthcare workers who are protecting the people of Brussels, and are proud that we can help in a small way with these product donations” said Rikard Froberg, Chief Commercial Officer EMEA/APAC.

The donated products were delivered to the three hospital thanks to the extraordinary efforts of two long-time Ansell partners. Hospithera, an Ansell distribution partner, identified warehoused products available for donation. Essers Logistics AB, a family-owned, third party transport company, then screened each product carton to ensure its viability for use and made the deliveries to the hospitals.

Ansell is grateful to all employees and partners who helped in this effort to protect healthcare workers as they protect the lives of Belgian people.