Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton January 14, 2019

Ansell Guardian Delivers Business Solutions to Improve Safety Productivity and Cost Performance

Beside severe effects on the individual, all types of injuries can also represent particularly serious drawbacks for a company’s business performance. The associated direct costs of an injury range from medical expenses to rehabilitation costs and workers’ compensation, whereas indirect costs are caused by replacement workers, accident investigation, productivity loss and demotivation of workers.

Demands for compliance, consolidation and simplification necessitate rapid changes and are forcing companies to find new ways to reduce PPE costs without sacrificing worker safety. Ansell Guardian® is our proprietary service to help companies select the right Personal Protection Equipment solution to improve their safety, productivity and cost performance.

Ansell Guardian® helps provide a safer work environment. Since 2014, we’ve helped companies reduce injuries by 65 percent and have saved companies a total of $148 million dollars. Additionally, services help businesses reduce their product styles by 25 percent.