外科手套穿刺和撕裂是造成手术人员接触血液的主要原因。2与仅使用单层手套相比,使用双层手套可将手套穿孔的风险降低 71%3。AORN、WHO 和 CDC 等专业机构均建议使用双层手套
在穿戴双层手套时,82% 的外层手套穿孔未被用户察觉。4 用户应尽量使用彩色内层手套,这样可将手套破裂的识别率提高到 86%。5
建议在所有外科手术中定期更换手套(2 小时为宜),特别在骨科手术或高风险手术中更是如此。外层手套发生穿孔时,说明内层手套同样可能失去防护能力,此时应同时更换内外层手套。6
使用彩色内层手套可将手套破裂的识别率提高到 86%.5
与仅使用单层手套相比,使用双层手套可将手套穿孔的风险降低 71%3
1. Opinion of the scientific committee on medical products and medical devices on ‘The protection offered by natural rubber latex devices (medical gloves and condoms) against transmissible diseases’. European Commission. Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General. October 2003
2. Clyde Smoot E. Practical Precautions for avoiding sharp injuries and blood exposure. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1998; vol. 101(2): 528-534
3. Mischke C, Verbeek JH, Saarto A, Lavoie MC, Pahwa M, Ijaz S Gloves, extra gloves special types of gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare personnel (Review) The Cochrane Collaboration
4. Partecke LI, Goerdt A-M, Langner I, et al. Incidence of microperforation for surgical gloves depends on duration of wear. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009; 30:409-414
5. Laine T, Aarnio P. How often does glove perforation occur in surgery? Comparison between single gloves and a double-gloving system. American journal of surgery 2001;181:564-6
6. Thomas-Copeland J. Do surgical personnel really need to double glove? AORN J. 2009;89(2): 322-328.: