Your protection is all that matters to us. Equipping workers and healthcare professionals with the right protective solution is the key towards reducing injuries
and improving overall safety while also protecting critical products across key manufacturing industries. Find the right gloves to suit the unique safety needs
at your workplace.
Chemical hazards must be properly managed in order to overcome the high risks that exist in industrial manufacturing environments. Discover the products you'll need to manage your chemical risks.
Ansell’s comprehensive offering of solutions can help meet end user needs and protect workers from personal injury while still reducing operating costs for a business.
Are you looking for the right protective glove to manage the risks
you face at work? Look no further! The Ansell webstore brings you
all the best products from our diverse product portfolio to ensure
that your safety and productivity can be truly maximised.
For over 130 years, Ansell has been protecting people, and our ambitions today are
stronger than ever. By setting ourselves ambitious goals on protecting our environment,
we seek to break new ground. With increased sustainability and ever smarter, more
connected PPE, we strive to ensure the safety of workers and the environment we live in.
Here are some highlights that bring us closer towards achieving our sustainability goals:
50% renewables in our energy mix
26% renewable electricity today
10 of our plants certified as Zero Waste to Landfill