AlphaTec® 5000 AVANT AIRline HOOD Ultrasonically Welded & Taped - Model 521 Air-fed hood with respiratory and chemical protection
AlphaTec® Breathable FR Bib Overall 66-672 NFPA 1990 (NFPA 1992) and NFPA 2112 certified bib-overall is breathable, re-usable and resistant to chemical splash, flash fire, arc flash and hot liquids.
AlphaTec® 3000 Cape Hood with Visor Ultrasonically Welded & Taped - Model 508 Durable, comfortable multi-layer chemical barrier
AlphaTec® 4000 Overboots Ultrasonically Welded - Model 406 Innovative multi-layer chemical barrier technology
AlphaTec® 4000 Trousers Ultrasonically Welded & Taped - Model 301 Innovative multi-layer chemical barrier technology
AlphaTec® 4000 Jacket Ultrasonically Welded & Taped - Model 230 Innovative multi-layer chemical barrier technology
AlphaTec® 2000 STANDARD Overboots Bound - Models 407 Superior breathable microporous laminate technology