Muhammad Aizuddin Md Saat
Muhammad Aizuddin Md Saat kwietnia 23, 2018

Earth Day 2018: Ansell Melaka competion to end plastic pollution and save the earth

in conjunction with Earth Day, an eco-friendly competition was held at Ansell Melaka. A total of 17 teams from all departments participated in the competition with the objective of collecting their own recyclable plastic waste generated in the plant from April 21 to 23. To provide employees with a clearer picture, a presentation was shown about the effects and impact of plastic waste. Malaysia ranks 8th in the world in terms of mismanaged plastic waste. 

An impressive total amount of 274.65 kg of recyclable plastic waste was collected. The top five groups are Cleaning Department – 50.50 kg, Packing AM – 49.70 kg, Irradiation – 44.90 kg, HR Department – 24.10 kg and Packing Room 3 – 24.05 kg.

This activity aims to increase awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution, changing human attitudes and behaviors towards the use of plastics, as well as catalyzing a significant reduction in plastic pollution.

Ansell Melaka is proud to contribute to the conservation of the environment and the protection of our eco-system. Thank you to all employees who participated for making this year's Earth Day activity a success.