Fatiha Mokhtar
Fatiha Mokhtar stycznia 21, 2019

The Ansell World Unites #STANDUP4HUMANRIGHTS

You can click here to listen to an audio recording in your local language, or read a simplified version of an illustrated booklet by clicking here

In 2017, in addition to our existing Employee Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct, and Ansell's own Human Rights Statement, signed by Magnus Nicolin, CEO and Managing Director, and Glenn Barnes, Chairman of the Ansell Board of Directors, Ansell updated and standardized five Human Rights policies, which are available here.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Ansell is committed to respect and promote Human Rights within the spheres of operating influence here in our company. This year, Human Rights Day was observed at Ansell manufacturing and office locations around the world. Click here to view more exciting photos from around the world.

A visual communication campaign created Human Rights awareness, translated into each site's local language. The distribution of apples as a symbol of safety and peace. Keynote speeches by Human Rights dignitaries addressed employees and management at several manufacturing plants. A mini survey at Ansell Lanka let employees share their concerns and ideas. Promoting the importance of Human Rights at a very young age, at the Lat Krabang site. Employees shared their creative concepts of Human Rights through mini presentations at the India Commercial Office. The distribution of umbrellas at Portugal manufacturing site symbolized shelter and protection. Whatever our nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status, we are all born free and equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. If you have a concern or perceive human rights violation, speak up! Because we can all be Human Rights Champions if we #StandUp4HumanRights.