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Ansell Ltd. maaliskuuta 21, 2019

Ansell Announces Senior Management Changes

21 March 2019 – Ansell Limited (ASX: ANN), a global leader in safety protection solutions, today announces a number of senior management changes to strengthen further the Executive Leadership Team in the lead up to the previously announced CEO succession in 2021.
Changes in leadership and key management positions (KMPs) are announced as follows:
  • Neil Salmon, Chief Financial Officer, is being appointed to President of the Industrial GBU effective 30 April. Neil joined Ansell in 2013 and has effectively led the Finance and IT teams along with project management functions.
  • Darryl Nazareth, Senior Vice President of Global Operations and head of R&D for the Industrial GBU, is appointed to President of the Healthcare GBU effective 30 April. Darryl joined Ansell in 2011 as head of Industrial R&D and then added responsibility for Global Operations in 2015.
  • Zubair Javeed is joining Ansell as the new Chief Financial Officer effective 29 April and will be based in Brussels. Zubair, a UK Citizen, has had a successful career with the NHS, Arthur Andersen, CR Bard, Creganna Medical devices and was most recently CFO for Ideal Standard International. He has had a global remit working out of the UK, USA, Japan and Belgium and has broad Finance & IT leadership experience in public and private equity owned companies.
  • John Marsden is joining Ansell as the new Senior Vice President of Global Operations effective 1 April and will be based in Kuala Lumpur. John, a citizen of Ireland, is coming to Ansell after a successful career at Unilever and Jardine Matheson having had global responsibilities working out of the UK, Singapore, Switzerland and Malaysia. He has extensive experience in global manufacturing, sourcing and supply chain management.

The current leaders of the Industrial and Healthcare GBUs, Steve Genzer and Joe Kubicek, have elected to leave Ansell for career and advancement opportunities elsewhere. They have provided their commitment to ensuring a smooth transition and hand-over of responsibilities. The Ansell Board is deeply grateful for Steve and Joe’s leadership and very substantial contributions to Ansell over many years.

With these changes, Ansell takes important steps towards a planned and carefully managed leadership transition and adding to the team two senior leaders with impressive capabilities well suited to driving the future success of Ansell.