Fabricación de Metal, Maquinaria y Equipos

Consideraciones de seguridad para maquinaria y equipos

Maquinaria y Equipos es una industria dinámica con fuertes vínculos con los principales sectores económicos, como las materias primas y los bienes y servicios acabados. Según la National Safety Council, fabricación y producción se encuentran entre las 3 ocupaciones con mayor número de lesiones incapacitantes. Con el estricto cumplimiento de los protocolos de seguridad y el uso de los EPI adecuados para protegerse de estas lesiones evitables, podemos fomentar hábitos más seguros que creen un lugar de trabajo más seguro para todos los trabajadores.

En Ansell, nos comprometemos a proteger a todos los trabajadores de maquinaria y equipos. Vamos más allá del cumplimiento de la normativa para garantizar que nuestra cartera de productos proteja plenamente contra los peligros específicos a los que se enfrentan estos trabajadores.

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El manejo de maquinaria y equipos puede estar relacionado con diversos riesgos mecánicos y provocar lesiones como aplastamiento de dedos o manos, amputaciones, quemaduras y otras lesiones como cortes, puñaladas o pinchazos, abrasiones o enfermedades musculoesqueléticas. Estas lesiones pueden estar causadas por piezas móviles de la máquina, materiales peligrosos y emisiones como el vapor y el agua, que pueden provocar quemaduras o escaldaduras. Trabajar con piezas bajo tensión puede provocar descargas eléctricas y quemaduras. La fabricación de metales, incluida la soldadura, el corte y la soldadura fuerte, es excepcionalmente peligrosa, ya que estos procesos de trabajo generan chispas, humos, radiaciones y otros riesgos.

Los operarios de máquinas, los trabajadores de la fabricación de metales y los soldadores expuestos a riesgos relacionados con la industria merecen soluciones de protección adecuadas que les ayuden a mantenerse seguros y productivos al tiempo que les ofrecen comodidad y rendimiento. Juntos podemos crear un lugar de trabajo más seguro adoptando hábitos más seguros.

Ansell Solutions

One of the major hazards to Machinery & Equipment safety is a high risk of cuts and lacerations while handling metal sheets, sharp-edged objects, and operating equipment with sharp-pointed parts. The workers are often exposed to glass, dangerous machinery, and other sharp objects and edges where cut or severing injuries are likely to occur. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 30% of all workplace injuries in the U.S. only are from cuts and lacerations, with 12% of those occurring on the hand. To ensure safety within the Machinery & Equipment industry and to prevent manual handling accidents in the workplace, it is important to select the right PPE with the cut level protection appropriate to the performed tasks.
Working on or near energized parts is associated with risks of an electric shock or serious burns. Electric shock is one of the major risks encountered by welders and other workers using electric-powered tools and equipment where even low voltage or low current can cause serious harm or death. Using the right PPE can help to prevent potential accidents. Ansell offers best-in-class ActivArmr electrical protection gloves that deliver ultimate comfort, performance, and safety in challenging environments.
Workers in the Machinery & Equipment industry are exposed to both heat and cold contact and convective heat, and, therefore, need appropriate PPE for handling hot or cold objects, working in extreme temperatures, and to protect hands while welding, casting and melting, molding, and forging. Moreover, machine parts, materials, and emissions such as steam and water can be hot or cold enough to inflict burns or scalds. To mitigate these risks, Ansell provides a range of PPE designed to resist extreme temperatures while delivering comfort and performance.
Vibration is a potential hazard for workers operating hand-held tools and powered equipment like impact drills, air-powered wrenches, grinders, and saws of all types. Prolonged exposure to vibration can cause changes in tendons, muscles, sensory nerves, bones, and joints that may eventually lead to hand and arm muscle damage known as hand-arm vibration syndrome. In addition to muscle fatigue due to vibration, musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, are often caused by repetitive movements, muscle overexertion, and improper working positioning. Along with the general precautions like mechanical isolation of vibrating source, limiting the duration of exposure, and equipment maintenance to avoid excessive vibration, it is important to consider appropriate PPE to reduce the risks of damage to muscles, bones, & joints ensuring workers' safety and comfort.
Hazards in the Machinery & Equipment industry are not only limited to mechanical risks. Workers are exposed to a variety of harsh chemicals including paints, solvents, hexavalent chromium, and cleaning fluids. Without proper PPE, workers may experience chemical burns or any other type of skin irritation. Repetitive and prolonged exposure to these chemicals can prove toxic to the worker and severely affect their skin or respiratory system. Thick, nonporous PPE is needed that will prevent liquids from leaking inside and touching the skin, with the durability to withstand scrubbing and sharp corners.



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