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Ansell Ltd. augusztus 19, 2020


August 19, 2020 Ansell Healthcare Products LLC, an industry leader in personal protective equipment, continues to respond to COVID-19. As a result of the pandemic, there is a global supply shortage of hand and body protection. In an effort to boost production of protective clothing and meet the demand of first responders and healthcare providers, Ansell has announced that it is sharing manufacturing expertise with qualified manufacturers in the US and Canada so that other companies can begin to produce the PPE that is needed most.

Ansell is providing detailed toolkits with step-by-step instructions, patterns and informative videos to manufacturers with the right capabilities in the US and Canada, to guide them through the process of producing gowns and coveralls that can protect against infective agents.

Paul Bryce, Ansell Chemical Solutions SBU VP & GM, has been quoted as saying, “The coronavirus pandemic has created major disruptions in the economy and all industries have been faced with new challenges created by unprecedented market conditions. Some businesses are idling whilst others have been pushed to the very limits of their capacities. Ansell has been working tirelessly to maximize production, but we cannot meet the soaring demand alone. As a safety company, our objectives are clear. We are committed to protecting our communities and frontline workers. We are proud to share our expertise with other manufacturers for an important cause. By leveraging our guidance, qualified manufacturers with sewing capabilities can redirect production lines to make protective clothing. Together we will deliver essential goods and services to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Manufacturers can apply to receive Ansell’s guidance on protective clothing production at www.ansell.com/networkofheroes.