(CE Accreditation)

Our clinical continuing education and professional development courses are also designed to be facilitated onsite by AnsellCARES Registered Nurses. If you are interested in conducting a program, please fill out the web form on this page. Certificates of completion and CE accreditation will be provided (where applicable).

Please see the topics we offer below:

  1. Basic Considerations of Radiation Safety and Barrier Protection
    Examines radiographic risk and strategies to avert adverse reactions.

  2. Chemical Allergy Masquerade
    Reviews the incidence, causes, symptoms and treatment of chemical allergies associated with glove use today.

  3. Chemotherapy and Medical Gloves
    Describes cancer cells, explores the various treatment options for cancer patients and examines glove use for handling cytotoxic drugs.

  4. Double Gloving – A Standard of Practice in Surgery
    Explores two questions: is double gloving worth the effort and what does the evidence say?

  5. Ergonomics in Healthcare
    Ergonomic risks in healthcare are numerous and impact healthcare worker safety. Perioperative personnel must be aware of these ergonomic risks and implement evidence-based best practices to proactively reduce them.

  6. Hand Hygiene: Skin and Hand Care in the Healthcare Setting
    Healthcare workers' hands are a vehicle for the transmission of pathogens to the patient and to the environment. This module explores the importance of hand hygiene.

  7. Hazards Associated with Glove Powder
    Exposure to powder from medical gloves and the undesirable reactions for both healthcare workers and patients are reviewed in this education module.

  8. Improving Outcomes in the Operating Room
    Provides perioperative nurses with strategies to improve patient outcomes in the operating room.

  9. Infection Control in the Operating Room
    The OR staff works in an intense, fast-paced, technically advanced environment. This module examines strategies to prevent staff-related injuries and infections.

  10. Patient Positioning Best Practice
    The principles of safe positioning will be described, followed by a discussion of two potential injuries – nerve damage and pressure ulcers – that may result from improper or prolonged positioning.

  11. Respiratory Protection in Surgery
    Outlines the hazards associated with exposure to surgical smoke and strategies to minimize healthcare provider risk.

  12. Sharps Safety in Healthcare
    Examines basic strategies and processes that can raise awareness of and help minimize the risk of sharps injuries.

  13. Surgical Gloves and Electrosurgery
    Understanding the relationship between surgical gloves and electrosurgery and ways to prevent intraoperative electrical shock or burn to surgical personnel.

  14. Understanding Latex Allergy in the Healthcare Setting
    Healthcare workers are at particular risk for latex allergy. Examine the incidence, causes, symptoms and treatment of latex allergies associated with glove use today.