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Ansell Ltd. juni 08, 2021

Ansell Announces Neil Salmon to succeed Magnus Nicolin as CEO

Ansell Limited today announced the appointment of Neil Salmon as Managing Director and CEO effective 1 September 2021. This follows from the previously announced retirement of Magnus Nicolin and a comprehensive internal and external search for a successor.

Mr Salmon, a UK citizen based in Belgium, commenced his business career with the ICI Group working in diverse corporate and divisional roles. He joined Ansell in 2013 as CFO and was appointed President of Ansell’s Industrial GBU in 2019.

Mr Salmon will continue in his current managerial role until 31 August 2021. A new head of the Industrial GBU will be appointed in due course. Mr Darryl Nazareth will continue as President of the Healthcare GBU.

Announcing the new CEO, Chairman John Bevan said that Neil Salmon would be the ideal leader for Ansell in its next phase of development.

“Neil has the right combination of financial and operational experience and capability for the CEO role at Ansell. He has worked alongside Magnus for many years and was a key contributor to the strategies which transformed Ansell during that time. More recently, Neil also led our Industrial GBU with its over 7,500 strong manufacturing, marketing and product development workforce located in multiple jurisdictions. His leadership was critical in the management of the initial challenges of the pandemic, positioning the business where it could maximise benefits from the recovery as it emerged. Ansell’s strategies are delivering well. Neil understands the drivers of Ansell’s success in recent years and I’m confident Neil will build on that momentum,” Mr Bevan said.

CEO-elect, Neil Salmon said he was honoured to have been selected to lead Ansell. “It is a considerable responsibility to lead Ansell at this time of enormous need for our personal protection products worldwide. I thank the Board for the opportunity to build on Ansell’s success and I acknowledge the outstanding leadership of Magnus Nicolin in taking the company so far.”

A summary of the terms and conditions of Mr Salmon’s appointment is set out in Annexure 1 to this ASX release and Mr. Salmon’s CV is set out in Annexure 3.

Mr Bevan said, “Magnus Nicolin’s comprehensive and consistent leadership over the past 11 years has been the driving force behind the transformation of Ansell. In the process, Magnus ensured that Ansell became financially successful and shareholders have benefitted significantly. At the core of Magnus’s leadership are his personal and business values. We now have a stronger team of people within Ansell than we’ve ever had before and I’m certain that the culture Magnus fostered within the company has attracted them.

“I thank Magnus for his immense contribution to the company, for the quality of his leadership and judgement, and for his remarkable collegiality which is appreciated by all of us involved with Ansell.”

Outgoing CEO Magnus Nicolin said, “It has been a tremendous pleasure to work with the passionate staff we have at Ansell. Together with a strong Board and an amazing management team, we have accomplished a lot. Ansell today is stronger than ever before. Uniquely for the PPE industry we are a fully integrated innovator, manufacturer and marketer – this has given us industry leadership and continuous success, even through the turbulence of the COVID pandemic. Following our recent investments in added capacities and capabilities, I am confident that we are poised for even stronger results going forward and I am delighted about the appointment of Neil to succeed me.”

A summary of the terms and conditions of the retirement arrangements for Mr Nicolin is set out in Annexure 2 to this ASX release.

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors of Ansell Limited.