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Ansell Ltd. mars 01, 2018


Customized tests show Microflex® LifeStarTM EC gloves reliably protect against fentanyl and gastric acid.

1 March, 2018 - Iselin, NJ - Ansell, a global leader in protection solutions, today announced the completion of the first comprehensive tests for gloves for protection against fentanyl and gastric acid. Working with a third-party testing laboratory, Ansell applied tests to evaluate glove performance in real-world situations first responders commonly encounter when they come into contact with fentanyl overdose victims. The Microflex® LifeStarTM EC (Extended Cuff) gloves are the first gloves to pass those tests.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid up to 50 times more potent than heroin and capable of causing overdoses even through incidental contact, whether inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin. Complicating matters for first responders, overdose victims often have vomited, and gastric acid can be corrosive to disposable examination gloves. Treating these victims carries significant risk for EMTs and other medical personnel. Tested for both fentanyl and gastric acid exposure, the Microflex LifeStar EC gloves are proven to protect against these real-world overdose conditions.

“Just 2 to 3 milligrams of fentanyl – roughly equivalent to seven grains of table salt – when ingested is enough to cause an overdose, and the drug can be absorbed through a first responder’s skin,” said Joe Kubicek, President, Healthcare Global Business Unit, Ansell. “Because of the nature of a fentanyl overdose and the likelihood the victim will vomit, it’s not enough to simply protect against the drug itself. That’s why we’ve performed these tests to simulate real-world situations and ensure our gloves hold up in these specific exposure scenarios. This is absolutely critical for police, EMTs and other personnel on the front lines of this fentanyl epidemic.”

Ansell worked with a leading A2LA ISO 17025-accredited, ISO 9001:2008-registered, DEA-compliant independent testing laboratory specializing in rubber, plastic and latex for the fentanyl tests, and Ansell tested for exposure to fentanyl and gastric acid in accordance with ASTM D6978-05 Standard Practice for Assessment of Gloves to Permeation by Chemotherapy Drugs. Gloves were specifically tested for breakthrough time – the point at which the chemical reaches a predetermined threshold on the opposite side of the glove film. In testing for both fentanyl and gastric acid, the Microflex LifeStar EC tested to greater than 240 minutes. In addition, Microflex LifeStar EC also meets or exceeds the NIOSH requirements for handling fentanyl and illicit drugs.

For more information about Microflex LifeStar EC gloves, visit ansell.com/fentanylprotection. For more information on Ansell, call 800.800.0444 in the U.S. or visit www.ansell.com, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. In Canada, contact Ansell Customer Service at 800.363.8340. Synthetic opioids – the most common of which is fentanyl – caused 20,145 deaths in the U.S. in 2016. For more information about fentanyl and fentanyl safety, visit www.fentanylsafety.com. For more information on fentanyl safety for first responders, visit www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/fentanyl/risk.html.