Magic Tian
Magic Tian februari 26, 2020


In 2019, at least 78 people were killed, and hundreds injured in a massive explosion at a pesticide plant in Eastern China.

Following its mission to create an Ansell protected world, MICROCHEM® 3000 and MICROCHEM® 4000 chemical protective suits were donated by Ansell to protect rescue brigade members during recovery efforts and cleanup as they worked among the rubble and debris in the explosion’s aftermath. With its unique multi-layer barrier fabric, MICROCHEM® 3000 and 4000 suits provide exceptional protection against exposure to numerous chemicals.

Ansell is committed to global wellness and helping those in need. Special thank you to our Territory Sales Manager, Bob Zhu who was on the site within 24 hours, bringing with him the MICROCHEM® suits to donate on behalf of Ansell. This extra layer of protection made all the difference, protecting emergency responders performing their high-risk jobs in the presence of dangerous chemicals.