
Discover ergonomic solutions like medical anti-fatigue mats that reduce the strains on your body

Anticipate the Unexpected

Developed in collaboration with clinical professionals, SANDEL® products are designed to address key high-risk areas in the healthcare environment. Our signature bright orange products help reduce the risk of preventable injuries, errors and infections. SANDEL® products equip caregivers with solutions to do their job safely while improving patient outcomes.


ANSELL CARES: value beyond product

Clinical Evidence

Grounded in Clinical Research

We understand that scientific evidence is vital to advancing clinical practice, therefore we continue to champion new avenues of research promoting safety for healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes.  We invite you to explore this section to find summaries of published literature covering a variety of healthcare topics. 

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Engaging Communications

Keeping You Informed

Through our 125+ year history, we have established a deep understanding of healthcare worker and patient safety.  Keep your organization up to date by staying InTouch™ with us and receive targeted excerpts on the latest clinical and market trends direct to your inbox.

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