Hospitals and surgical centers

Stay Safe with Our Selection of Reliable Hospital PPE and Safety Solutions

Ansell provides a comprehensive selection of personal protective equipment for hospitals and surgical centers.


Continuing Education

Affirmed by Global Healthcare Leaders

Looking for continuing education credits?  We are an approved provider of accredited continuing education (CE/CDE) and professional development (CPD) for RNs and Dental Professionals in some regions. Courses are also available to any user, even if accreditation does not apply.  Click through this section to explore our course library and let us help further your education.

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Stay InTouch

Keeping You Informed

We understand that scientific evidence is vital to advancing clinical practice, therefore we continue to sponsor new avenues of research promoting safety for healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes.  We invite you to explore this section to find summaries of published literature covering a variety of healthcare topics. 

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Innovative solutions that keep healthcare workers safe

Double Gloving

One Don. Done.

Don once and you're done. Double-glove in half the time.

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Allergy prevention

Know the Difference

Hospitals moving to non-latex gloves should consider that not all non-latex gloves provide the same allergy protection.

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In the News

Uudet kirurgiset linjat kasvattavat tuotantoa merkittävästi

Maailman suosituimman käsineen valmistajana olemme sitoutuneet pysymään valmiina vastaamaan terveydenhuoltoalan kasvaviin tarpeisiin. Ennen koronaa alkaneen suunnittelumme ansiosta 4 uuden kirurgisen upotuslinjan lisäämiseksi olemme jo aloittaneet leikkauskäsineiden tarjonnan kasvattamisen, jotta voimme vastata asiakkaiden merkittävään tarpeeseen.

Why Ansell

SJMC 5 15 400-hires

10-Step Evaluation Process

We'll take the worry and headache out of the equation.

ENCORE Latex Textured & GAMMEX Non-Latex PI SMARTPack Vertical Group Shot - Closed

Product Expertise

Let us help you reduce SKU variation and ensure you have the right product for every situation.

Technicians in Lab with Dramatic Lighting Stock Photo

Breadth of Product Range

Because we design, develop, and manufacture our safety solutions, we have a solution for everyone.