Finding the right PPE for specific chemicals in your facility is very important and requires a lot of knowledge. AnsellGUARDIAN® can help.

Where can I find recommendations for clothing or gloves to protect from specific chemicals?

Finding the right PPE for specific chemicals in your facility is very important and requires a lot of knowledge. AnsellGUARDIAN® can help.

Go to AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner to enter your requests. Please see below or contact Customer Service if you need additional assistance with our AnsellGUARDIAN® service.

Phone: 1-800-800-0444


Our proprietary AnsellGUARDIAN® assessment can provide your workers with an optimal safety solution by helping them become equipped with the appropriate PPE.

For over 45 years Ansell has been providing safety assessments tailored to each company. With our guidance we can provide companies with improved safety and compliance that can help reduce injury, costs and increase worker productivity. Since 2014, we have been able to help companies reduce injuries by 65% and reducing SKUs by 25%. What’s more is we have helped companies over $148 million, which is about $65,000 per assessment.

AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner provides digital tools that help you to visualize expected permeation breakthrough times and degradation levels for the chemicals used against your selection of chemical hand and body PPE. You will be able to see which PPE materials are more appropriate for your set of chemicals, and which materials are less likely to keep your workplace protected. From there, you can start selecting gloves that match other selection criteria for your industry needs, such as dexterity, heat resistance, mechanical resistance and more.

With AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner, you’ll have quick access to chemical permeation data for the most common chemicals according to ASTM, EN, and ISO standards. You’ll have advanced access to chemical permeation data with the ability to save, download and email your reports. This tool provides a customized on-site assessment to discuss your company’s individual safety and business needs.

We’re able to provide results with our simple and clear process that focuses on the most relevant areas where we can deliver our best recommendations whether it’s for a single application or for an entire facility. We also understand that every business is different, which means most safety needs are too. We have over 600 safety experts assess each situation individually, using the data provided. This is a proven process that results in a unique tailor-made assessment that will help your company meet objectives.

AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner provides an extensive collection of features including:

  • Permeation times – easy to read table legend on permeation times
  • Degradation classes – simplified explanation of degradation classes
  • Product details – access to product information and specifications
  • Customized reports - save and download visual reports
  • Selection criteria - search for chemicals by name, CAS number, product name or material type
  • Simple visualization – color coded chart for easy chemical selection
  • Customizable views - toggle between permeation and degradation views.

We start our partnership by analyzing, implementing and improving your PPE. Completing an assessment will transform your work environment by improving productivity, reducing costs and most importantly, maintaining a safe environment for employees. With AnsellGUARDIAN® and AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner we can assess and improve your current and future safety needs.

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