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Fatiha Mokhtar
Fatiha Mokhtar 2018年08月14日

Women’s Leadership Forum Sharing Session Inspires Cyberjaya Managers

The Cyberjaya Women's Leadership Forum (WLF) recently held a Sharing Session to a small group of participants from various departments including Sales, Finance, QA, R&D, Customer Service, Global Ops, CBS, and HR, here in the Cyberjaya Hub Office.

The 2-hour session was lively and engaging with members from the audience sharing their thoughts and experiences. With aims to motivate and inspire managers with some tips to manage their employees, the sharing session were led by three influential keynote speakers; Dr. Putri Faridatul Akmar Megat Abdul Aziz – Director, R&D; Preeta Nayar – Director, HR; and Nurfadzlia Mohd Fadzil – Sr. Manager, HR.

The key messages discussed include:

  • Employment Act 1955 and Managing Absenteeism, Late Coming/Tardiness, Performance presented by Nurfadzlia Mohd Fadzil – Sr. Manager, HR.
  • Misconduct and Tips in Handling Misconduct presented by Dr. Putri Faridatul Akmar Megat Abdul Aziz – Director, R&D.
  • Managing Employee's Performance through PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) presented by Preeta Nayar – Director, HR.

Thank you to those who participated in the sharing session!