Permeation, which is different than degradation and penetration, is the movement of a chemical through the barrier material at a molecular level.

What is permeation?


Permeation is the movement of a chemical through a material on a molecular level. It is important to note that this process is not necessarily visible and that the material may appear unchanged while permeation is happening.

When choosing the proper chemical protection, it is important to understand how chemicals interact with different materials. These interactions fall under three main headings: permeation, degradation, and penetration.


Permeation is the movement of a chemical through the barrier material at a molecular level. The rate or speed at which a chemical can permeate through a barrier is described as “breakthrough time”, which is communicated in minutes of protection.


Degradation is the physical change in one or more properties of a barrier material due to contact with chemicals. Indicators include visible discoloration, elongation, burns, or cracks on the surface.


Penetration is the movement of a chemical through pores, gaps in seams, pinholes, or imperfections on a barrier material, commonly caused by defects or degradation.

How Ansell can help?

AnsellGUARDIAN® Partner is an expert service that can help you identify chemical hazards in your workspace and provide education on how you can equip your staff with the correct PPE to reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals. Our AlphaTec® product range offers industry-leading chemical protection for many industries and applications.

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