Jo Fabb-Ansell
Jo Fabb December 02, 2020

Less muscle effort, greater productivity

In most Life Sciences environments, repetitive tasks and small hand movements are an unavoidable daily requirement, with workers performing intricate procedures and using small apparatus.

Tasks that require repetitive hand and arm movement can lead to hand fatigue, which over time may increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

The true economic cost of workplace injury is more than lost wages or time. Ongoing medical expenses, lowered production and increased workers’ compensation premiums are among the more obvious and measurable aspects, but there are often hidden costs as well.

Though harder to measure, increased rates of workplace injury can contribute to heightened stress or anxiety levels among workers and potentially lessen both morale and productivity.

Identifying and managing hazard risks before issues arise will often mean recognising less obvious relationships and opting for personal protective equipment (PPE) ergonomically designed with specific conditions and tasks in mind.

Not all gloves are created equal, so it is important that the right glove is chosen which best suits the environment as well as the specific task in hand to support health, performance and productivity. That's why Ansell has developed ERGOFORMTM Ergonomic Design Technology which enables us to design hand protection to help minimize everyday hand fatigue and optimize comfort.

Learn more about the importance of hand ergonomics – download white paper.