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VIEW PRODUCTS尽管近年来医护人员手套过敏的发病率因为粉外科手套的普及而有所下降,但天然乳胶过敏仍然给医院造成了巨大的风险。换用非乳胶外科手套,可避免天然乳胶导致的医护人员和患者乳胶 I 型过敏,减少接触乳胶手套造成的不良后果,如过敏反应和乳胶蛋白致敏。
医护人员乳胶敏化的发病率约为 10 - 17% (1,2) 部分外科人群的发病率更高;以儿科为例,接受多次手术或患有脊柱裂的儿童约有 50 - 55%(1,3,4) 面临乳胶敏化风险。
安思尔新一代非乳胶手套提供了与乳胶手套相同的产品,包括整形外科手套、显微外科手套和保湿手套等。 氯丁橡胶和聚异戊二烯 (PI) 材质不仅能提供必要的过敏防护,其性能和舒适性也达到甚至超过了外科人员的要求。
1. De Queiroz M, Combet S, Berard J, Pouyau A, Genest H, Mouriquand P, Chassard D. Latex allergy in children: modalities and prevention. Paediatric Anaesthesia 2009; 19: 313-319
2. Brehler R and Kütting B. Natural rubber latex allergy.Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161: 1057-1064
3. Capelli, Chloé Eviction Du Latex En Chirurgie Pediatrique: Etude de Faisabilite Au CHU de Grenoble. MS thesis. Universite Joseph Fourrier. Faculte De Pharmacie De Grenoble. France. 2011. Print
4. .Blumchen et al., Effects Of Latex Avoidance On Latex Sensitization, Atopy And Allergic Diseases In Patients With Spina Bifida. Allergy 65 (2010): 1585-159
5. Hunt LW, Kelkar P and Reed CE. "Management of Occupational Allergy to Natural Rubber Latex in a Medical Center: The Importance of Quantitative Latex Allergen Measurement and Objective Follow-up." Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 110 suppl 2 (2002): S96 - S106
6. Hamilton R, Brown R. 2000. Impact of personal avoidance practices on health care workers sensitized to natural rubber latex. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 839-841.
7.Lewis, V.J, Chowdhury MMU, Statham, BM. Natural rubber latex allergy: the impact on lifestyle and quality of life. Contact Dermatitis (2004); vol 51 (issue 5-6): 317–318.
8. Al-Otaibi S, Tarlo SM, House R. Quality of life in patients with latex allergy. Occup Med (Lond) 2005;55:88–92.