Everyday usability and convenience: Available in two models, AlphaTec® 66-300 Model 111 chemical-resistant coveralls make ideal everyday workwear, as they are versatile, reusable and feature open legs with elastics
Optimized defenses and comfort: As this anti-static suit is made of strong and flexible fabric, it provides comfort without sacrificing safety
Added protection: In addition to protecting against chemical spray in low-risk environments, this red hazmat suit guards against alkalis, acids and infective agents
Certified performance: This chemical protective suit meets EN 14605:2005, Type 4 (spray-tight) requirements
• 추가적인 보호를 위한 볼 플랩이 달린 드로스트링 후드 • 고무줄처리가 된 오픈 레그 • 벨크로 여밈을 갖춘 오픈 슬리브 또는 AlphaTec 08-354 장갑 (Scorpio)과 함께 착용 • 장갑 착용시, 장갑은 빠르고 간단한 장갑 교체를 위하여 베이오넷 장갑 링 시스템과 함께 부착됨 • 나일론 지퍼 • 지퍼는 누름 단추와 함께 더블 스플래시 가드/플랩으로 덮여있음