General Healthcare

Hospital Application Blue Gloves - Inserting IV

Solutions for Primary Care and Long-Term Healthcare Facilities

General healthcare requires an advanced understanding of patient care for specific needs. We at Ansell have a wide portfolio of innovative solutions to support the continuum of care needed to get patients well again. Whether physician’s offices, long-term facilities, or something in between, we offer a full portfolio of examination gloves, surgical gloves, and safety solutions to ensure patient and practitioner safety in any scenario.

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In the News

november 14, 2022

SMART PackTM 2.0 – "Best Product" i bæredygtighedskategorien

Ansell er af World of Safety & Health Asia blevet hædret med prisen "Best Product/Service" for 2022 inden for bæredygtighedskategorien. Denne pris er en anerkendelse af den teknologiske innovation, der findes i Surgical SMART Pack™, og den rolle, som dette nyskabende design spiller mht. til at reducere emballagens CO2-aftryk.

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Clinical Evidence